Tuesday, November 24, 2015

First Holiday Season

So this is the first Thanksgiving and Christmas season without my beloved alcohol.  I haven't really started missing my long lost friend just yet but I have had some pre-season episodes.  Oktoberfest was a little hard.  I really wanted a giant cold beer when I visited the local festival.  I even said to my daughter who was standing in line to get said giant cold beer "that you wouldn't really mind if I got one too?"  She looked at me like I was a little crazy and said "I think you should wait."  So I waited.  I got through that urge and had a nice cold water instead.  Yum.

Red wine has been calling to me too but I seemed to be able to not hear that siren call as strongly so I'm happy about that.  Thanksgiving is in two days.  I'm usually half a bottle in by noon because you know all that prepping requires a nice glass of red sitting close to me whilst chopping, etc.  I'll have my trusty seltzer water with a splash of tart cherry and a lovely garnish of lime in my pretty tall wine glass close by instead.

Heading to my sister's the day after with my daughter to regroup, talk shit and just commiserate with each other about how we are doing with not drinking alcohol and you know all the other life stuff that tries to make us drink alcohol.  I cannot wait.

I talked to my doctor last week at a routine check up.  I have a lung thing and need to see a pulmonologist.  I have lost about 15 pounds since July and he noticed.  He mentioned it because apparently weighing less has benefits in the breathing area.  He asked what I was doing and I said I don't drink alcohol anymore.  He indicated that there were some therapeutic benefits to a nice glass of red wine and I said that really one nice glass of red wine was not an option for me.  I prefer the bottle. Anyway, he said so how much were you drinking.  And I said, sheepishly, "you know, a lot."  He pushed for more information as to what "a lot" meant to me.  And I said, "you know, A LOT."  Then he turned his chair and looked me in the eyes and said what is A LOT.  A LOT is a like a 750 ml bottle of Beaujolais nouveau that I would open to "start" cooking and then absentmindedly pour mouthfuls into my glass until there was only an inch or so left in the bottle at the end of the evening and who leaves an inch of wine in the bottle.  I'm not a quitter, not me, I don't leave anything left undone (well I actually do, just not wine), it wouldn't be fair to the poor bottle so I polish it off before heading sloppily to bed.  He said it was probably a good idea I don't drink alcohol anymore and then said he was proud of me.  Win win.

Anyway, Christmas is around the corner and I'm looking forward to it.  We'll see.